Salina Briseno Licensed Massage Therapy | 408 W. Univ Ave | Gainesville, FL 32601


​Salina Briseno

Licensed Massage Therapy


I hope you and your loved ones are physically and mentally healthy. I am taking appointments in my new office on the 5th floor of the historic Seagle building. I dearly missed contact with clients and have been studying which precautions effectively prevent the transmission of Covld-19 as best as I am able. My infection control training has taught me to take a universal precautions approach to all clients rather than customize my hygiene practices. I treat everyone as if they are infected and do not yet have symptoms. This approach has kept me vigilant in my anti-Covid practices and has already paid off. As of this writing, I have had 2 negative Covid-19 tests as a result of being in contact with someone who has tested positive.  I feel confident that the precautions that I am taking are effective and I continue to stay informed about the latest scientific findings and measures.

Here are the steps I am taking to maintain an environment that discourages the transmission of this pandemic virus:

* Clients need to wear a mask at all times while in the building

*I ask that you arrive wearing an N95, KN95, or other high-grade masks. If you do not have a favorite high-grade mask, I will gladly provide you with one

*I will be wearing an N95 or KN95 mask during your treatment

*I will be using a window fan during your session to create negative airflow to evacuate any micro-particles that may slip past a mask. I will run this fan on high in between client sessions to exchange the air in the room

*The only time that it is ok to pull down your mask inside the building is when you are face down on the table.  I have placed the face cradle cover in a way that it will act as your mask and allow you to breath freely in this position

*I have placed a UV-C sterilization light under my massage table as well as inside the air conditioning unit

*My massage table and bolster are covered with a non-porous liner for easy disinfection. I have scheduled ample time in between each client to allow for cleaning, wiping down all surfaces, and exchanging the room's air 

*All furnishings are wiped down thoroughly between each session

*I am changing my shirt in between clients to avoid cross-contamination

*If you are experiencing ANY symptoms of Covid-19 or have been exposed to someone who has tested positive or are awaiting test results, please reschedule your appointment

*If you have tested positive after your appointment, please let me know as soon as possible and wait to return in accordance with CDC safety guidelines. Even if you have the Covid-19 antibodies, I still ask that you comply with all mask wearing policies

*If this is still too risky I understand and I offer one more option - please ask me about an outdoor tent massage possibility.  I have a temporary open-air set-up in a private setting with all of the above precautions but in an open-air nature setting (weather permitting) 

If this meets your needs, please text, call or email me to set up an appointment. 

Salina Briseno

Please don't hesitate to contact me with any concerns or ideas about further steps I could be taking.