Gift certificates - May be bought in person, snail-mailed or e-mailed to the intended recipient.

Gift bags - available for any occasion. These include a gift certificate and a small gift.

Gift Certificates and Gift Bags 

I have learned a wide variety of therapeutic modalities and have the tools to adjust and customize to each person's needs.  All massage is therapeutic and professional in nature and complies with all Florida licensed massage guidelines and laws.  

Licensed Massage Therapy


Therapeutic Listening

I believe that the best use of my advertising dollar is to donate my massage time to charitable organizations.  If you are looking for donations for your organization's fund raising event please contact me.

Therapeutic Massage

​Salina Briseno

I am certified to administer and have a buy-in lending library of The Listening Program, a therapeutic music series with specially gated classical music designed to help improve auditory processing and filtering. You can visit the company's website to find out more about The Listening Program:

Salina Briseno Licensed Massage Therapy | 408 W. Univ Ave | Gainesville, FL 32601


Silent Auction Donation

Services Offered

I am a student of Ortho-bionomy and have been interning with Kalpesh R. Patel (www.kalpeshrpatel) for several years of intensive study.  I offer ortho-bionomy treatments where the client remains fully clothed as well as incorporating this modality into a traditional soft tissue massage treatment. My specific interest and training is in visceral manipulation looking at the underlying adaptations to dysfunction in the organs and lymph drainage pathways that can be the source of muscular pain. Kalpesh Patel and I also offer collaboration between our practices in assessment, treatment plans, and follow up care.
